Friday, September 25, 2015

Our week

Hello, lately we have been learning about adjectives such as athletic, artistic, nice,and much more!
We also learned about how to say our b days in Spanish, as an example, my birthday was Él Veinti uno de Septiembre. We learned how to have a short conversation in Spanish. We learned about Spanish countries which wasn't easy, but now we got it. Over all we had a great week😃👍!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Countries and Birthdays

This week we learned about birthdays and Spanish speaking countries. We learned how to say our birthday in Spanish, For example, El primero de marzo and él Veinte de junio. We also learned some of the Spanish speaking countries and some facts about it. Cuba and America's government don't like each other and so you can't go to Cuba if you came from America and Cubans can't come to America . A famous person won a Nobel peace prize because it gave piece to Costa Rica and he made it more environment friendly. That's it for this week see you next week.

Friday, September 11, 2015


We are relearning about the emotions in class.we are learning mad sad happy ok super happy good sleepy. It has been fun starting the homework packet😃😉👍👊

Caroline Birdsell 😀
Luke pauly😉
Go Kross❤️

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


¡Bienvenidos!  Welcome to Kross Period 8 Blog!!  

On our class blog, students will be posting weekly updates about learning and activities occurring in our classroom.  I will also periodically post upcoming class events and information.

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I look forward to working with your kids this year and creating a home-school connection!