Thursday, October 29, 2015

Spanish this week

This week in Spanish we learned about articles (un, una, unos, and unas). Un and una mean a, and unos and unas mean some. We're also learning about masculine and feminine words. Feminine words end in a, ion, and dad, and masculine words end in o, ema, and ama. If a word ends in a vowel, add an S to make it plural and if a word ends in a consonant, add an ES to make it plural. In some words, to make them plural, you need to change some of the letters. For example, LapĂ­z turns into lapices and pez turns into peces. We had an awesome week! ¡Adios!

By: Andrew and Katarina

Friday, October 23, 2015

Learning about School Supplies

This week we learned about school supplies. We learned how to say all the important school supplies una pluma is a pen. We also played four corners. There were posters with the names of school supplies in Spanish but the caller had to say the supplies in English. We also did a Scavenger Hunt. We had to find a poster with a school supply on it, find the number, and write it down on the paper. We had to mark it Plural of Singular. Then we had to write the opposite of the word. So if it was Singular, we had to write the word in Plural form. Some words were hard like an Eraser in Spanish. Una goma de borrar (that is Eraser in Spanish). The opposite is Unas gomas de borrar. It was a very busy week.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Spanish Blog

Spanish Blog

This week we made posters about our selves and shared them with our class. We also had a few tests too. At the end of the week we started to learn about Costa Rica.

This week we made posters and shared what we like ang don't like we also are starting th learn about Costa Rica.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Super Spanish Week

                                                          Super  Spanish Week

Hola. This is Isabelle and Rohan this week we learned how to say I like and I don't like and you like. We also are very close to being able to speak a whole conversation. We also had a test. We had to make a poster and wright a paragraph in Spanish about our poster. Chao.

Friday, October 2, 2015

28 threw the 2nd weekly update

We learned how to say and when to say me gusta and me gustan. We also played games like on Friday or today we played heads up 7up and we finished our booklets. Pages 6, 16 and 18. We also made comic books and,  we put x's and check marks on what we are good at. Our home work is getting pictures for our collage and a graded grammar. These assignments are due Tuesday.