Friday, February 26, 2016

Week of 2/26/16

By: Xiaotian Shangguan and Nathaniel Herman

This week we did a presentation task in the Mi Familia unit. We also started our conversation task. We used a new app for the presentation task called Strip Design. We also did the convo task with partners instead of doing them with the teacher.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Week of 2/8-2/12

This week we did our comprehension tasks. We also learned about pets. We learned how to say I want and Do you want (yo quièro, quieres tu). This mornings warm-up was to make valentines for someone, we had six minutes to create a valentine for one person and today we are watching a video about families in Puerto Rico. We also learned Como Eres which means what are you like, Como es which means what is he/she like, es means,is your and Como son means what are your __ like.And that is what we learned this week.

Ryan and Katarina

Friday, February 5, 2016

Week of February 1-5


      This week we learned describing adjectives. We turned in a graded grammar that was about family members and about family trees. We also did a mini spelling bee to practice the adjectives we learned. Our favorite activity was charades because it was a fun way to get to learn our new adjectives. We also played four-corners, it was pretty fun. Next week we have a comprehension task. We hope everyone will do well! Thank you for reading our blog! Stick around for the next blog on Friday February 12th 2016.

By: Isabelle & Alex