Friday, April 29, 2016

Spanish update

This week we have been learning about Chichén Itza and have started our presentation task. For cinco de mayo we are going to have a tortilla party on May 5. Cinco de Mayo is when Mexico beat the French even though the French were better equipped.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Spanish update

This week we learned about Chichén Itza. We learned about the temples in Chichén Itza, for example the temple of kukúlan, the temple of Jaguars, and the temple of warriors. When an equinox happens, a shadow is casted on the castle and it looks like kukúlan is slithering down the side of the stairway. We also learned about the ball court and how the game that is played in the ball court is played. In addition, we learned that there are thousand columns by the temple of warriors and each column has a drawing of a warrior on it. The observatory (aka the snail) is were the Mayans go to study the plants and stars. The last thing we learned about was the sinkhole. The Mayan made human sacrifices by dropping the person into the sinkhole. The Mayan also sacrificed their gold, jade, and copper for the rain god, Chaac, to bring rain in the dry seasons.🇪🇸🇪🇸

Thursday, April 14, 2016


This week we learned about barging in a market. We got to practice with partners for the conversation  task. We even got to go to señora ford's class to bargain. We also played games on practicing numbers and all of them were very fun. We also have a conversation task, we are exited because for the first time in Spanish we get to use a green screen and it is going to be very fun. If all of us remember not to wear green.

By:Isabelle & Jack

Friday, April 8, 2016

4/4/16 - 4/8/16

This week 4/4/16 - 4/8/16 we learned how to convert pesos to American dollars. We also made wallets 💵. We learned how to say it cost... In Español. And later we are going to  have a market and Bargain. This we we learned a lot of knew stuff and got our tests back.

                                                                 -Hunter D.
                                                                 - Luke P.

Friday, April 1, 2016

1000 Numbers

In this week we had our number post-assessment. We also watched a video on a Spanish/Mexican market. We learned about things in the market such as la piñata, la mochila, el sombrero, la camiseta, el animalito, el collar, el bolso, and la muñeca. We also learned about numbers from 100 to 1000, games helped us understand these numbers. We had a great time this week.